The Supernatural
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth… God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
Genesis 1:1, 3
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Psalm 19:1
God, the creator of the universe, is really big. And I want you to ponder for a moment how magnificent and powerful and supernatural He is. Now, that may seem obvious to you, but I had been a believer for over 25 years before this really hit me. So, I want you to think about this. If you google “the rotation of the earth” here is what you will discover. Fact number one, the earth is turning on its axis, spinning around at a speed of about 1,000 MPH. Fact number two, at the same time it is spinning, this ball of dirt we live on is speeding on a path around the sun at about 67,000 MPH. Third, the earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy, along with other planets and the sun, and at the same time the earth is spinning and circling, everything in our Galaxy, including earth, is rotating around the center of the galaxy at a speed of about 500,000 MPH. Are you getting dizzy yet? Fourth, our galaxy, and a group of other galaxies around us, are all traveling through space, to nobody knows where, at a speed of about 2.5 million miles per hour. And guess what? I sat on my patio this morning, watched the sun rise in the sky, heard the birds sing, rocked in my favorite chair and drank a hot cup of coffee. All right smart guy, figure that out. And think about this… God created the heavens for one reason. To give us a small glimpse of His glory, and majesty, and power, and magnificence. So, whenever we think we are smart and can live life on our own, make our own decisions, figure out what is right and wrong and best for our lives, all we need to do is look up to the heavens and behold the handiwork, the wisdom, and the power of our awesome creator.
God is supernatural. I mean He is really supernatural. He is omnipresent, which means he is everywhere all the time. He knows everything, and nothing is impossible for Him. Not only is He supernatural in creating the universe and everything in it, and supernatural in knowing all things, but He is supernatural in His loving friendship with you and me. And He loves being involved in our lives. So, as a consequence, prayer is a heck of a lot more than some rote checklist required of good Christian people. Prayer is communicating with a heavenly Father who hears our words, moves on our behalf, wants to bless us, and His plans for us are to prosper us and not to harm us. They are plans for a future and a hope. (See Jeremiah 29:11) He wants to guide our steps and direct our paths. He wants to go before us and give us favor. He wants to protect, to defend, to give wisdom. He loves to orchestrate events and He promises that in all things He works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. (See Romans 8:28) So when I talk about enjoying God, I am not talking about some mundane church school gathering where we sing campfire songs. I am talking about an extraordinary adventure with the Creator of the universe called LIFE. Exciting, adventurous, challenging, sometimes dangerous, definitely fulfilling, and always, always supernatural.